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IT equipments




CQC Intime ITE laboratory is a professional provider for testing and certification services on Information Technology products. With the team of experts and engineer of highly educated and extensive experience, we carry out testing and certification based on current norms on your computer, printer, duplicator, projector etc, as well as accessories such as adapter, DVD drive, power supplier.  we assist numerous customer to get the China market license through China Compulsory Certification, or value-added demostration such as energy conservation and environmentally-friendly through CQC Mark certification. Benefit from our neutral test on function, safety and user compatibility, we help our customer a successful launch on the market and gain a lead over the global competition.

Relevant test:
Safety and function
Electromagnetic compatibility
Energy Conservation Certification

Benefits from testing in CQC Intime:
* Quick, highly accurate testing
* Compliance with local government and legal requirements
* Receive conformity evaluation from the independent third party
* Boost confidence in the quality of your products




Mail: cqc_service@163.com
Fax: 0512-66303625
Addr: Suzhou wuzhong economic development zone, wuzhong road no. 1368, wuzhong science and technology park