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Safety Commisioning Test



Safety test is to check if your product, no matter components or finished products are meet with safety relevant requirements. From technical equipments, motors, electrical devices to household appliances and AV/IT products, whether you require the test to fulfill the legal requirements or just to check product against your own standard, here are what CQC Intime can help. We assure you based on the recognized standards and norms in domestic or international, or tailored test according to your own standard, and help you in the entire chain from purchasing, producing, to selling on quality supervision or safety estimation. We can provide strong technical support and data demonstration in your design, R&D, production, as a result to minimize the risk and save money, securing the entry into market.

Benefits from testing in CQC Intime:

* Minimize your risk of liability
* Boost confidence in the quality of your products
* Certified by a neutral testing institute
* Gain a lead over the global competition
* Save money by our experience and expertise



Mail: cqc_service@163.com
Fax: 0512-66303625
Addr: Suzhou wuzhong economic development zone, wuzhong road no. 1368, wuzhong science and technology park