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Electromagnetic Compatibility Test



All electric or electronic devices transmit and also receive electromagnetic waves that can potentially cause interferences with other electronic or electrical equipment. Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC), is an  not only provide a precise testing aequipment characteristic or property that equipment with correct operation dose not generate any electromagnetic interference, which other devices can not behave acceptably in its electromagnetic environment. Anybody wanting to bring such products onto the market has to comply with the EMC directive 2004/108/ EC.


 CQC Intime as an authorized body and test service provider, we offer a flexible, competent service to help you meet the requirements of EMC directive. Our EMC laboratory are equiped in its chamber  with the leading instruments from the notified brands such as R & S, Agilent, TESEQ etc, and the team leaded by the experts from EMC standard commitee, who devotes to researching on international and domestic standards and forefront techniques of electromagnetic compatibility. Our businese covers all products from industry equipments, scientific instruments, medical machines, electronic consumer goods and so on, we have completed numerous EMC and electrical validation testing projects, with the ability touches all test items relevant to capabilities electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic immunity. We not only provide a precise testing and certification services that required in the markets in domestic, European, or Japan etc. but also offer technical support during the R&D and debugging periods, thus certify our customer with professional, and tailored test services and solutions. We help our customer to meet the requirements of various countries/regions with a minimum investment in time and money.



Mail: cqc_service@163.com
Fax: 0512-66303625
Addr: Suzhou wuzhong economic development zone, wuzhong road no. 1368, wuzhong science and technology park